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Aarav Educational & Employment Research Organization (AEERO)

Established Since 2018 Regd. Under Indian Trust Act 1882 Registration No. 245/18 Under Govt. of NCT of Delhi NGO Darpan/ NITI Aayog, Unique ID: DL/2023/0352409


This guide explains how to apply for grad study at AEERO, including how to complete the application form and provide supporting documents.

application 2 Application Guide

Starting your application

When to apply, how to start an application, and how to complete the application form. when you come to the application page, you will get divided into one page and two columns, so you have to fill in the first and then the other.
personal information 2 Application Guide

Personal details and information

First of all we have to fill all the name box with the correct information. In this includes your full name, birth date, gender, religion, citizenship, email address, mailing address, and contact information. You will also be prompted to provide basic information about the schools you have attended and your immediate family.
inbox 2 Application Guide

Qualifications and uploading Documents

The information provided on your school and collage profile is beneficial when considering equity and student access to high-quality education. In addition, your school or collage profile also provides summary information about, fill up the completed education qualification details after that you will upload the photos of your education certificates.
languages 1 Application Guide

Choose languages

We offer courses in English and Hindi both languages. Candidate or students may choose their courses according to their preferred language.
remuneration 2 Application Guide

Pay Fee

When you've completed the Form fields and you're ready to submit your application form, click the ‘Pay and Submit’ button. You will then progress to the payment screens. After pay your admission is done!